The next step up from the Gliga III, the II series utilises higher grade timber for improved tone and aesthetics. Outfit strings are upgraded to Opal Gold and the instrument is supplied in a Hill-style lightweight case.
The Gliga II violin’s improved timber, workmanship and strings allows the advancing pupil a new freedom of expression
All timber received into the Gliga workshop is independently graded and allocated to each craftsperson before building begins. Wood that is graded for Gliga II instruments starts to show tighter grain on the spruce for better resonance, and the maple begins to exhibit attractive flame. Naturally the better grades of wood are given to more experienced makers, so more attention can be given to the careful processes of carving and tuning the plates.
The combination of better tone wood and extra care in construction gives the Gliga II a more pleasing tone when put into the hands of the intermediate student. The flamed maple befits the increasing accomplishment of the player, and the variety of oil finishes and antiquing offered allows for freedom of expression and individuality in the recital hall.
The Opal Gold strings chosen for Gliga II violins are known for their easy playability that allows players to explore a wider range of tone colour compared with entry level strings. Outfits are rounded out with the popular TG Hill-style lightweight oblong case and full size outfits receive an Articul II fibreglass bow (fractional sizes supplied with the FPS brazilwood horsehair bow).