Kazoos-Metal (Carton of 20 Tubes) by Clarke

Kazoos-Metal (Carton of 20 Tubes) by Clarke

SKU 82028 In-Stock

Carton of 20 Clarke gift packaged tinplated Kazoos, each attractively gift packaged in a tube with history and information sheet provided. A Kazoo produces a pleasant ‘buzzing’ sound when you hum, sing or speak into it.


SKU 82028 Category:


Manufactured in Tinplate finished in Gold colour with integral threaded cap and neck for easy tuning and membrane replacement. The quality of the sound is very much dependant on the standard of the player, if you can sing or hum in tune – then you can play the Kazoo. A Kazoo is a member of the ‘Membranophone’ musical classification which is in the percussion instruments as the sound is created through a stretched membrane.

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